Do Not Prioritise Your Looks

I was scrolling through Facebook on my phone this morning (I know, terrible Muriel, but I was) and this beautiful image jumped out at me. So perfect. This woman, older, ripe, tried and tested perhaps. Like a true Goddess, she appears to be relaxed, amused, content, and perhaps even self satisfied. And oh so many wrinkles. She looks, truly and deeply beautiful. Do you think so too?

I then read the poem that accompanied the image and just had to share it with you.

“Don’t prioritize your looks my friend, they won’t last the journey.
Your sense of humour though, will only get better.
Your intuition will grow and expand like a majestic cloak of wisdom.
Your ability to choose your battles, will be fine-tuned to perfection.
Your capacity for stillness, for living in the moment, will blossom.
And your desire to live each and every moment will transcend all other wants.
Your instinct for knowing what (and who) is worth your time, will grow and flourish like ivy on a castle wall.
Don’t prioritise your looks my friend, they will change forevermore, that pursuit is one of much sadness and disappointment.
Prioritize the uniqueness that makes you you, and the invisible magnet that draws in other like-minded souls to dance in your orbit.
These are the things which will only get better”.

— Donna Ashworth

This is an old posting that Ive uploaded because today is my birthday. Im 60 years old. It somehow seemed so perfect as I begin to come to terms with the whole aging thing.

I never imagined myself at this age. You know, oldish, but not super old. Kicking back in a rocking chair on the front verandah drinking whisky sours and mint juleps - I HAVE imagined, but Im not really doing that just yet.

So I guess this year I will be creating a new vision that will fit the reality of what is, so I can then bend it….

What will you be doing? How do you want to age, and what are you here to do that still needs doing? These are the questions I’ve started asking myself. Im not yet sure what the answers are, but I’m working on it, in a pretty chilled out, does it really matter kind of way.

In the past I would have made a list, set some SMART goals, you know;

  • specific

  • measurable

  • achievable

  • realistic

  • timed

Today the sense I have is that it’s more important to hang out with people I like, to be a little more quiet, take the time to sit on the grass, watch the puppies rumble on the lawn and look at the sky - because the clouds are pretty interesting. So god knows what state life will be in by this time next year!! A new chapter, but still here to do the ride. Yay! May we all prosper and be ridiculously happy and well throughout this year and beyond.

Warmest to You,



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