The Feminine Energy Is Rising Up

Now is the time to begin to step into the new wave of femininity where the power is soft and the values of old are dusted off, reframed and made new again.  

There are snippets of history where the qualities and value of matriarchal societies are mentioned, and there are many hearts that yearn for more peaceful times, more respectful ways of interacting in family, business and in intimate relationships too. I can feel it myself, that desire for a more wholesome, and measured life, where time is taken, rituals are honoured and where the only real rushing that happens, is the water over rocks in a river bed.  

Can we ever go back to a purely matriarchal way of living and being? I think not. It had its shortcomings and imbalances too - otherwise it would not have failed.  

This is a new time, and we are at the very beginning of it, and like a seedling pushing up through the earth, it is fragile and must be nurtured. 

As I reflect on this larger view of the world, on the fabric of our society at this time, the Tarot card Judgement springs to mind. Its message is that we are being called by the trumpeting angel to step up into a new way of being, but not alone. As the image suggests, we must integrate all parts of ourselves to be able to take that upwards movement; the wise nurturing feminine, the enthusiastic energised child and the strong protective masculine. All parts blending so that we as individuals can ‘level up’. 

Another element that can be perceived from the Judgement card, is the group nature of the change that is being called for. Yes we can as individuals ‘do our work’ as people often say, but as women, and as men, our souls work is to bring our tribe with us. What do they say in the army? Leave no man behind? We cannot step up alone and expect the world to be a better more enlightened place. We must bring our people with us. This is the work.  

How to do that individual and collective work in tandem, and successfully is the challenge. This is the place of joy, of discomfort, of being stretched, and in due course gaining some flex.  

We’ve all heard the old adage ‘it takes time’ and the truth is that it does. With the course of time we learn lessons, have the opportunity to face our shadows, become more loving towards ourselves and others (think non-transactional love here, a term coined by David Deida whose books are great reading and highly recommended).  

So, what does this all mean?  

I could respond quite simply to that question and say that collectively we need to slow down, look at what’s important and check to see if our actions are in sync with what we say is important.  

A great wave of change is made up of many tiny droplets en’ masse. So firstly we need to come together, that means spending time with other women and re-membering how to work together. Easier said than done yes? But there are tangible and symbolic sign posts when we have the space to see them. 

Nature is such a great teacher, always showing the way and providing the teaching via symbols when they are needed. A recent example was given during an early morning road trip, when I was drawn to look up at a flock of birds flying across the sky in formation. You probably know how they work, just like cyclists in a race, each bird takes a turn at the front where the going is heavy, and then another from the back who has been cruising in the slipstream comes forward to keep the group moving at pace when the leader tires and falls back.

On the same drive, the sky revealed a hot air balloon in the distance, the colour and brightness of it floating above the ordinary morning mist, but from that height, clarity, the ability to see far. We do have to take time out to see clearly what lies around and before us. I guess that’s why women have traditionally stepped out of the home and gathered together during their moon time, and why we modern women go on retreat. 

If you’re interested in looking at your values, there’s a great tool in Online Resources called The Wheel of Life, or you might like to check out this little video clip where I talk for a moment about Teal Swans Inner Compass Deck – love it!  David Deida was mentioned earlier, you might like to check out his book ‘Third Stage Love’ – so inspiring, and a great one to listen to on a road trip. Retreats? You can check out some local offerings here. There are SO many cool tools to help us get where we’re going right? So, use what you need, to get where you’re going.

Soul deep. Stay wild.



Taroga: Tarot and Yoga


Imagine Yourself