Intermittent Fasting for Health and Vitality with Hannah Read

An inspiring conversation with Hannah Read this episode. Hannah is an Occupational Therapist and a big advocate for Intermittent Fasting due to her own experience with it. She is big on the science and shares the beneficial changes the body makes as time passes during the fasting phases. Hannah also speaks about the herbs in her cleanse day tea, and the different religions that use fasting in their spiritual traditions. Upbeat and positive, you can get some good info here, and Hannah is happy for you to contact her through her Facebook page Borderland Therapy if you are after more information.


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Hello everybody. Welcome, welcome. We are going to be talking with Hannah Read today about intermittent fasting. Now I've known Hannah for a little while. She's an occupational therapist and she is absolutely into intermittent fasting for body and brain. So Hannah, absolutely lovely to have you here. Thank you for your time. Now, you're a really big advocate for intermittent fasting. So would you like to share with us why that is? What's happened for you that you are so positive about it? 

Yeah. So I'm six months into, well, six to eight months into this journey. I hadn't done a hell of a lot of, no, no fasting before, except for before surgery, which wasn't fun, you know, that kind of fasting. But um I came across this intermittent fasting through a health system that I was introduced to ah through some friends. And um the reason why I got into it was I was feeling ah very fatigued and low energy.
I'd just had my second Baba and, um, I could, I'd been fatigued the whole pregnancy, but I also gained a lot of weight. And then I just, um,
yeah I definitely postpartum depression and just quite lackluster. And, um, I felt like it was even initiating movement was difficult. I just felt really drained. So um my friends helped me out by introducing me to this health system. And a part of that system is intermittent fasting.

Hannah It's not something that is easy to wrap your head around fasting. And I hadn't really thought about it as something that I would be able to do. I thought it was like way beyond me, that kind of shit. look too scary. but so I can't do hungry, you know. like i'm not I'm not that way inclined. I love my food and I love being regular with my food and um yeah. So when I first tried it, um it was a real mind. It's a real mind battle.

Um, ah yeah I, I psyched myself up the day before I'm like, yep, I'm doing a fast tomorrow as part of this thing. And, um, and then in the morning of the fast, I just, your brain is just gone. Like my brain just was going. Fuck. I want to eat. I want to eat. I want to eat like just really just freaking out.

And you have to do a lot of self-talk and just kind of, you know, you can do this and you can do this and, you know, um, and it's just like hour by hour on the first clean stay and the first fast day. And, and like, it's true what they say, it's crap before it gets better. Like the first day was just headache felt like shit, you know, just drink a lot of water, drink a lot of, um,

like herb tea that we take in the system. It's supported fasting, so you've got particular snacks. You can have that curb hunger. You've got a herbal tea that stops your body from stressing out too much.

Um, so the first day, you know, like probably the first three fasts, I was, I had headaches, migraine, you know, like migraine lights, um, felt quite faint, you know,

doesn't I'm not selling fasting right now. I'm not selling it to anyone, but I'm being realistic. The first few fasts, if you've never done it before, can be not fun. So you kind of got to plan your life around doing that kind of thing. yeah um I was willing to give it a risk because um of the reason like what happens to your body during a fast.

And so I can go through that a little bit. yeah um You're a bit of a researcher, aren't you? yeah I love my science. I'm really into science. I love having evidence-based stuff to work on. um I don't like fads or um you know do this. It's cool. like Have a lemon drink all day. and No gimmicky, I did try that but um it's not good, it's not good so you know like

ah You go through the fads and then you're like, what the hell? I just want science. And this is backed by science. So what they' there's a couple of dudes. So Michael Mosley talks about it. um And again he's really famous. Yeah, he's a doctor. I suppose it comes with the territory. But he did a lot of research and self research as well. So anything he was researching, he'd try on himself. And then he would test it and look at the science and the results pre and post and all that kind of thing. So it's quite cool if you read his books. One of his books is the Fast 800 book. And he talks about different ways of doing intermittent fasting because there's not one way that you can do it. There's lots of different ways.

But once you start researching it, you go, oh, this is actually like a secret, like a, like a. Magical secret? Yeah, like no one wants you to know the shit because it makes you well and healthy and you're not relying on the food industry and you're not relying on the pharmaceutical industry and it's a secret. So don't try it. Don't even like look into it because

This shit is magical. So this is why I'm talking to you about it. Cause it's magic. So what happens is that got me onto it. I was like, okay, this is really, this might actually make some kind of dent in my, my poor body. That's like totally done. So four, so within four to eight hours, your blood sugar falls and insulin is no longer produced.

So you do feel a bit lightheaded because you're not your blood sugar is falling. So you've got to look after yourself and know what's going on. After 12 hours, all your food is consumed and it's burned off. And a human the thing called human growth hormone increases. And then after 16 hours, your body ramps up fat burning. So you just burn all of the excess fat.

That's kind of like a metabolic switch, isn't it? It is, yeah. It's just like key times, what do you call it? The key time stuff. Yes, that's right. And so if I understand it from our previous conversation, it's like you're burning sugar and then when that hits you, the body switches over and starts doing the fat. Yeah, and your body actually prefers prefers to burn ketones rather than glucose. It prefers that state. So um um so it ramps that up and then after 18 hours, so only 18 hours, like not we're not at 24 hours yet, but 18 hours the human growth hormone starts to skyrocket.

And then after 24 hours, autophagy begins and drains all glycogen stores. So autophagy is when your body eats its old cells. Yeah, right. Now that's when the magic really freaking starts. its So that's 24 hours in? Yeah.

Then after 36 hours, your autophagy increases by 300%. So if you can last longer, which I haven't been able to do yet, I've only reached the 24 hour mark, but my goal this year is to do a 72 hour fast. So 36 hours, your autophagy and increases by 300%. After 48 hours, your immune system resets completely.

So you've got a whole new immune system and then 72 hours, your autophagy maxes out and plateaus. So there's no benefit after 72 hours. Yeah. So it removes, autophagy is a natural self preservation mechanism. The body removes all the damaged and dysfunctional parts of the cell.

and then recycles other parts towards cellular repair. So you get new cells.

Yeah. Wow. and That is like big maximum. Let's think about that for a moment, because if the body, anybody with an immune kind of immunity issue. And fatigue. um It's great for weight loss.

full stop, but you've got heart disease that reduce the risk of heart disease, it lowers your blood sugar, increases your insulin sensitivity, and it even boosts your brain. So um there's a science that shows that when the body's in the state of ketosis, when you're burning fat, so not even when you get autophagy, it's It's before you hit that, even you're getting benefits. So the body the body creates new brain cells called a BDNE or brain derived neurotropic factor, which is an antidepressant. And when does that hit? So that hits when you're between 12 and 16 hours of fasting. So that's why even a short time restricted fast,

works to give you a natural antidepressant.

So let's put this in like a real like, okay, Karen, let's say you did a fast tomorrow. yeah And you started really simple, and you didn't have anything to support it or whatever you can anyone can do this, right? Um, you can just do a 12 to 12. So say you have dinner at 6pm.

You don't eat anything until 6 a.m., right? If you want to slowly increase that, so you eat dinner at 6 p.m., you wake up the next day, you eat breakfast at 7 a.m., the following day you do 8 a.m., the following day you do 9 a.m., and by 10, you're at the 1612 window, which is what Michael Mosley, one of them is 1612.

Yeah, time restricted, fast. And that's, to me, that's achievable. I think that's really a great place to start and a very nice achievable thing to do. um And you're still getting that antidepressant hormone to your brain. Yeah, fantastic.


So that's the kind of the physical the physical benefits. And they say that this guy, the protein pacing diet guy who is a doctor as well, he's done a lot of research on this. He he talks about intermittent fasting um that helps the body restore, replenish and heal and even shows signs of slowing down aging in humans. It says the best time to do

house cleaning is when your house is decluttered.

Right? So you don't want to clean your house when you've got a whole lot of clutter. You want to clean it when the house is fairly empty. Yeah. So that is like when you do a fast, you're emptying your body so that it can clean itself.

And he talks about how your this thing called polychlorinated biphenyls, which is a toxin. Is that stuff is that the stuff in um the plastic? Yes. So PCBs or polychlorinated biphenyls, they're used in the manufacture of plastics um and lubricants.

and are in protective coating for wood, metal, concrete and and adhesives like wire coating and so forth. They're highly toxic to aquatic life and they persist in the environment for a very long time. And they can accumulate, this is where it affects us really badly, it accumulates in food chains and then it um the extent of which the world has become contaminated by this is quite mind boggling. PCBs are stored in our body in the fat cells, in the fat tissue. Yeah. And so when you're doing intermittent fasting, you're actually cleaning out your fat and your PCBs go with it. So that's

That's a really great thing to clean out.

you get rid of the naty yeah um It's quite freaky actually. I'm like, Oh my God. When I started looking into this, I'm like, Oh geez. When was the last time I cleaned my house? um You know, yeah what we' what are we living with here? That's right. Because I mean, the body is the temple for the soul, isn't it? This is,

This is the sacred container. Yes, and imagine if you were doing your your spiritual practice in a clean house, how that would feel compared to the cluttered, horrible, toxic house. It's quite hard to get really good vibes in a toxic house. You know, like it's very difficult to to zone zone in to very like,

Yeah. So um this is why religious, I think partly why religion is quite, has fasting as part of it. So you've got um Islamic holy month of fasting in Ramadan. They don't eat or drink between sunrise to sunset. And they're specifically mindful of speech, thought and action during that time.

Judaism, they significantly reduce or abstain from food and drink for six consecutive days of the year. Catholics give up certain food during the month of Lent. I don't know how good the Catholics are. I'm a recovering Catholic. I don't recall giving up anything too serious for me. I think people give up chocolate or something.

Yeah, so that was more my sort of scene. But yeah, I'm sure that historically it was a much more serious and sacred ritual. Yeah. And even um the Jews would do a fast for, I think it was for seven consecutive days when they, it was due during their holy festivals, when they were setting new intentions for the new year. So out with the old and with the new. And fasting is a very, it's a very good way of becoming hyper aware of your surroundings and what you're doing and being very mindful. Um,

it takes you out of your routine and it shakes it up a bit. So you're, you're thinking slightly differently and, and there's, there's a, um,

you're on a different level when you're doing a fast in a way because you are quite hyper aware. And even your eyesight. Yeah. Yeah.

interesting Yeah, I mean, I'm very alert. ah And I get frightened easily as well. So there's that side of it too, because um because you are really quite everything is sensitive. It makes sense to when you think about it, you know, as hunter gatherers back in, you know, the day when we had to hunt for our food, the hungrier we became, we had to become more alert.

so that we could see that beastie down the valley, all of those sorts of things. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. So you become more sensitive to things and your surroundings and everything. And it's kind of like, I liken it to going camping. So yeah, yeah. sorry okay So when you go camping, you abstain from your usual comforts Yeah, but you choose to go because there's benefits to it Even though it's uncomfortable like I want my bed. I want free like warm water I want a shower, you know you but you're abstaining from all those things because you want to see the stars and

or you want to hear the wind at night or you want to go down and sleep by the river. Yeah. So it's kind of like that. It's uncomfortable, but it's you're benefiting in a different way. And then you come home and you go, ah, yes, my life is so abundant. And it's like that when you eat again.

But you can honestly, you taste, it's like, oh, ye haul your mouth just goes, oh, shit, I love food. Little taste explosions on your tongue.

So funny. It is true. Yeah. It's like when you reduce sugar in your diet and then you eat carrots.

And suddenly you realize carrots are so ridiculously yeah sweet. It would possibly take even more. It's amazing. Apples are just too sweet to actually eat. You don't want that Fuji apple because it's too sweet. Yeah. And you never, and you never noticed that before. That's the thing. And I think when you start on this trajectory where you're mindful of what you're putting in your body,

and you're mindful of when you're not putting things in your body, yeah it gets easier to choose, it gets easier to to say no to some things too, because your biome, your your gut biome changes and heals. And then it's like, I don't want that crap anymore. And you just don't feel like it anymore.

so It actually makes it easier in the long term. So even though it's short term pain, there is long term gain. Yeah. Yeah. And has it helped you getting getting all the science side of it, getting that sort of squared away in your own mind? Is that what's helped you to move through the discomfort to get that longer term gain? Is that how you've done it? Or is there another way you've done it? The science buddy helps because you can go, oh,

eight hours I'm in this part, 16 hours I'm in this part, I'm getting benefits, I'm getting benefits. So you can talk to yourself like that. Weight loss is a freaking great outcome. If you want to lose weight, you cannot not lose weight after a fast day really. It's a super helpful way. There is ways of maintaining your weight and that kind of thing, even with fasting. But for me, um I have definitely lost weight fasting. And that is a real, really good motivator. So I can go i can go and eat pretty much every anything I want, do a fast and I'll lose a kg. So it's like, well that's great outcome for me. I'm like, okay, yeah, I can do another fast next week and then I'll lose another kg.

um So there's freedom there's freedom within you know that short-term pain. And then you go, okay, yeah, fuck, I feel i feel a lot better. Yeah, so it's you you've empowered, you're actually making those choices in ah in a place of power. Yeah, I am. I'm choosing when I do it. So I'll go, nah, today is just not the day for it. Like I am not in a right the right head space.

So I plan, you have to psych yourself for it. You can't just go, oh ah shit, you know, it's a cleanse day. No, you have to go on the day before you go, okay, tomorrow I'm doing a cleanse and you know, you set yourself up for it. I think you need to set yourself up for it because it is, it's a different kind of day. So, um, be aware that

if If you're an emotional eater, which I am, and you can't eat to emotionally suppress crap, then the crap kind of does come to surface. And it comes it comes kind of quite strongly. So that's another thing to be aware of, I guess, on those days when you're fasting. And I guess that's why it's great to have a spiritual practice or some sort of mindfulness on those fasting days too.

yeah And also to have support. So I try and do my fasts on the same day I'd get my husband to do them with me so that um he's not eating in front of me or vice versa. Or um yeah, it's really hard when someone's eating in front of you and you're trying to fast.

almost impossible. It's torture, actually. So you just leave the house or something. um Some people do it when they're working because they're busy. And it's easier to do when you're working. So you're not thinking about it so much. and You're in the flow of something else. I, I get really tired. um I think it's about letting go.

um Slowing down. Um, so I actually tend to like to do my fasts on a weekend, which is kind of like, ah who would, oops, am I back? Um, who would want to do a fast on a weekend? That's when I do mine because I get really tired and I want to have a sleep and I don't want to work when I'm doing a fast because my brain is slower and things like that. Just.

I'm just slower and I'm letting go of things. But it means that I'm thinking about um other types of stuff that comes up and then you can do a lot of healing work as well. Yeah. Right. So in a way, it sounds like you're almost using this as a genuine release on not just physically,

but emotionally, mentally, spiritually as well. I think you definitely start on the physical level because you're like, holy shit, all you can feel is physical. But then once you're past that hard bit, it becomes more about a practice. Yeah. And then you can actually think and and look at other things. So, um, so yeah, so just for your listeners, you know, I was like fasting and then I was like, Oh, I need to have a session with Karen.

So, you know, book that for the next day. But, you know, it's like it comes up and you go, I need to deal with that. I don't really know what it is, but I need to deal with it. And, and it, and it comes out when you're in a and a space of vulnerability and you're open to yourself and you're not going to go and eat and suppress it. Yeah. and Shut it down with all the other routine in your life or whatever. Yeah.

And then you can do some real healing work and actually frickin deal with some heavy shit and detox your life in other ways and then heal and then come become freer and lighter and more loving and spaces where you didn't have love before. So it's what happens in the physical, how it happens in the spiritual and of vice versa, you know? So, yeah.

Yeah. Absolutely. Everything's connected. Now you spoke about um getting support. Now my my experience with fasting is a little bit different to yours.

because I'm sort of a do or die kind of girl. That's been my history. I can't really do it like that anymore. But like when I've done, you know, there's been colonics involved and off somewhere with a whole bunch of people looking in colanders to see what's come out of here, like kind of disgusting things. yum And but the taking of juices and um herbs and bentonite clay and stuff like that, a little bit extreme, but um those things and having steams and stuff, and the supportive mechanism, what what do you use to support yourself

um physically as well as in other ways. Yeah. So the doctor dude, this guy, he says that you need to really build up your nutrition before you do a fast. So making sure you're not just going from eating real crap to fasting because that will really stress your body. So he talks about um eating dirty food, which I thought might be like a bit of you because like eating stuff from your garden, right? Eating dirty, organic, awesome food. um And if you can't get that, then you know, um a really good quality protein um shake or smoothie to get that um really good, high quality nutrition into you. So do that for a couple of days before you go for a fast. So then

and So that's like so it otherwise you set yourself up to just crash and burn. So you really want to just support your system first with nutrition. And then when you um when you do a supported fast, um ah yeah I drink this herbal drink and it's a you can make it into a tea and I drink this four times a day during my 24 hour fast.

Yeah. Um, and it's got, it's an aloe vera based drink. Aloe vera helps your digestion when you're fasting. And it's got, um, things like a lot of shit in here, but the hard ones, they're hard to read, but bilberry is one. Um, ash ash wagandha root. Yes. That really helps your mood as well, I think.

It's got mood boosting in it. Raspberry. It's a lot of berry stuff. Fennel. Yeah. Burdock. Burdock dry root extract. Yeah. Siberian ginseng. Dry root. Oh yes. Licorice. Root extract. Peppermint. Dry leaf extract.

Turmeric, dry root extract and alpha alpha. Yes. Okay. And that's got a lot of protein. in Yeah. And it does make you feel a lot better when you drink it. Like it it's an actual, it makes and a difference. You go, Oh, okay. I'm good now. I'm good. again I'm good again for another couple of hours, you know. Um, and then I have these chocolate snacks that are, um, I think they've got a little bit of whey protein in them.

and they help curb hunger. So that's really good because yeah, I get hungry. I don't, I don't deny like the hunger comes no matter how hard you try it still comes. Um, and then there's this anti, like a helps with your stress. It's got adaptogens in it. Um, adaptogens is kind of like a fancy word. Now it's basically plants again. Um,

like it's got zinc, folic acid, alpha, alpha, alpha again, ginger, bilberry, wolfberry, hibiscus, ashwagandha, watermelon, watermelon, rhododendron, hiranda, Siberian ginseng again. So bamboo,


Yeah. Yeah. There's a thing with those herbs and adaptogens. I mean, they're, they're powerful things like they like lavender. and

That's an adaptogen. You know, if you're highly stressed, see, most people think that lavender, for example, is a relaxant, but it's not. It's an adaptogen. If you are super relaxed, it will, you know, activate. Yes. so Yeah. This has helped. So if your stress is like this,

this This decreases the curve when you have it. So you still got stress, but you're not hitting the highs and lows the same. And I find i find that this has enhanced the quality of my life a lot, having those herbs in my life, despite the fasting. This is one of the main, holy shit, I can't live without that ear anymore.

It's just yeah just made a big difference to my sleep and energy in my state of mind piece. Yeah. So you could, because this is part of your, like that, that herbal um concoction is part of the system that we use. It's all part of the system. So the the system my friends showed me, um it has, they call it the biohacking system.

um basically has three key elements to it, which is your protein pacing, your adaptogen plants, and your intermittent fasting. Those are the three elements to it that really give you a kick-ass, you know, boost.

Because look at me now, like, I'm not that person I was describing to you before. I have two little kids, a little seven month old baby and a four year old boy. I work full time. I'm building a business on the side. I have a side hustle as well. um I get to hang out with you and do other stuff in my weekend because I have energy.

so You know, like, this is what i want to but I want to share. And the intermittent fasting thing is just like a secret that isn't talked about, um which I think and I believe it should be. And it should be part of our like regular, not a weird thing. Yes. Yeah. When you hit in the right place, you really can work it, can't you? You can. You can. And look, it's not about doing it by yourself either. I think it's really important to find other people that want to do it with you and do it together. Um, it is a real big mind if when you start it and no one's going to want to do it by yourself, like you always want to do it with somebody else when you're trying these hard things. But what I found is once you do it and it's like going camping again, once you do it, you just feel like, yes, I fucking did it. I don't have to live with food. Like,

You know?

It does not define me. Yeah, I can live in a tent if I want. You know? I don't have to have a bloody house. Like, I think it just increases your self-esteem, your self-belief. Like, you can do it. If I can do it, anyone can do it. Because I freaking love food. I will eat anything that's in front of me at any time.

Yeah. So in lots of ways, the process itself builds resilience and you're bringing that you bring that um sense of power back into yourself. that say internal That's it. And you know, when I hit like, my goal is 24 hours, but if I hit 22, I'm like, you still did a good job. You know, you still hit you've still got benefits.

It's okay. Like you don't have to be hard on yourself. It's, it's about doing the best you can. And if you can't make that, you know, that goal still doing 16 hours as benefits, like Michael and was Mosley was saying, you're, you're still getting the antidepressants in your mind. You're still doing a bit of fat burning. Like don't stress if it's not like as long as you want.

Sorry. yeah I had a look at um his book, The Fast Diet, which is basically you know just another version of the book that you're talking about. And I flipped to the back and read some of the testimonials that people have written about their weight loss and about how they feel about themselves.

and um you know the loss of brain fog and things like that. It's pretty inspiring. And the other thing is you know when people are focused on weight loss, and so many people, especially you know early part of the year, yeah people get very thingy about setting goals and suddenly becoming fit and blah, blah, blah, blah. blah and

they often will start diets and things like that. I always think diet starts with the word diet. It's never going to be that fun. You don't want to do something that's just a short-term thing either. Yeah. yeah with With the um but the food food intake, like have you changed that dramatically? I mean, it sounds like with your Dr. Do, yeah That whole thing about protein, increasing protein. Yeah, it's massive. Yeah. You don't realise, like, I didn't know that you need so much protein. Like, I had no idea. No idea. And I just thought it was for Jim Junkies, that one muscle. You know, like, whatever. Like, my husband would, where's the protein in this male lash? If off with your protein. Like, I was just like, yeah go get a tinnituna. You know?

Yeah, but it's actually like the main primary building block of your body, protein. And you need a shit ton of it. And, um, there's like, there's a thing, a formula you can do to show how much, depending on your weight, how much you need. Um, I can't remember it off the top of my head, but, um, it's a lot, it's like a chicken meal, a salmon meal, a beef meal and a pot of yogurt. And you're like,

I'm not going to cook all of that in a day. That's in one day. Yeah. Whoa. That is a lot. It's all, it's too much, really. It's too much. I'm just like, yeah, there's no way I'm going to be able to do that. And oh, well, my, so what happens is your muscles deteriorate. If they're not getting the protein and then you get sarcopenia, which is basically shriveled up muscles, which isn't nice.

What you want, and you know you've got increased risk of injury then and aging and things like that. So what you want is really strong muscles. And yeah um I never really thought about muscles before because I'm not like a, I want muscles type of person. But what muscles do is help you burn fat in your sleep. So you don't even have to work on fat loss. You just get muscles and then fat loss happens.

So, you know, I'm like, Oh, okay. So it's not all about being muffly and looking good for a picture. that's not it. It's about being strong and having your body working really nicely on burning, and your metabolism working. So yeah, protein pacing. This guy talks about protein pacing, using adaptogens for stress and intermittent fasting. That's what this guy's done all his research on with all this other science to back it. So he talks about, um he's a fellow of the Obesity Society and the American College of Sports Medicine, International Society of Sports Nutrition, 30 years of dedicated science research and 58 published peer reviewed articles.

So, well that's yeah, so he's done a lot of, rap and he he's very passionate about it. It's all about increasing your energy and boosting your mood. And, you know, what and I'm like, Oh yeah, that's it. I, I've definitely increased my energy. That is like my main like takeaway. I guess the weight loss thing is like a bonus, but the energy is the number one, like,

I can, now I can go, okay, yep, I can do stuff because I can actually function and feel good. yeah I don't have to go to my kitchen and go, I'm so depressed. I can't even move a cup to the dishwasher. Like I am so done.

You know, that was my life before, like, oh no, like think I can't even face it. And now I'm like, oh, which podcast do I want to listen to while I do this? And la di da, like I've got capacity. Yes. Okay. That's major. That's massive, isn't it? And I also don't need to do as many dishes because I actually have shakes for my protein. So I don't actually have to cook so much. I'm doing this, it's like I found the secret sauce. Yeah. Keep it simple. Keep it simple, sexy. 

Wow, that sounds good. I'm interested in that whole herbal concoction. I know historically, like those, all of those herbs are just magic in and of themselves, and I love what you said about, the pharmaceutical companies and the weightloss industry. To be honest with you, I don't have that much faith, and I'll say this quietly. I don't have that much faith in the medical system anymore. I feel like there has been systemically a bit of a sellout or a buyout. Just my personal opinion of course. I love the fact that you've spoken about how this is actually a big secret, the magical secret. And yeah, I think, I think you're right there. They, the big capital T H E Y don't really want us to have absolute success and dominion. oh No, that's right. and We do have to be that way now, don't we? We have to take responsibility for you know, the water that we drink, the food that we eat. I know you've got a lovely veggie garden that you're... It's getting there. Beloved. Yeah. It's getting there. Looks after to feed your family. So, yeah, it's more and more important as we go along. And even things like, you know, the PCBs and glyphosate.

Somebody was telling me that when a baby is born, they can actually register, they can actually pick it up in the umbilical cord. It's that endemic in in our system now that when we're birthing babies, that terrible chemical is there.                                                                                                 Hannah                                                                                                                                                                                                    We have to take action, don't we? And we can. And that's the that's the good news about this, is that there is a way to reduce the levels in your body, then to continue reducing the levels by eating dirty. Yeah. eating from the garden. Isn't that cool? That's the message, we can actually detoxify our lives ourselves simply. We really can.

Now, if somebody wants to talk to you about the system that you are working with, um how are they going to contact you? So I have a Facebook page called Borderland Therapy. OK, cool. So i'll get I'll get the link off you and I'll put it in the notes that go with um the podcast so people can contact you and have a chat if they want to.

if they want more. Yes, if you want more information, I've got more information. Beautiful, beautiful. Is there anything else that we need to talk about before we wrap it? um I think, you know, life energy is power. If we can tap into that life energy by helping ourselves become energy itself,
renewed, then then watch the space for all of us, you know? Yeah. So much better having energy than not.

She's a mother of two young children.                                                                                                                                                                                  Hannah                                                                                                                                                                                                      Yeah, it's it's beauty it can be beautiful, it can be enjoyable, it can be achievable. When people say your life ends after 40 or your life ends after kids. No fucking way, man. It just starts, especially when you find things like this that can really turn your, switch your system, so that you actually end the aging process and and get younger in yourself, younger in your life and your life energy. And then you go, Oh man, now my life is just starting. Yeah.

Let's get dangerous. yeah Lovely to talk to you, Karen. Thank you so much for having me.                                                                                             Karen                                                                                                                                                                                                          A pleasure, an absolute pleasure. All right. Take care, and I will check in with you in the near future. Yes, I'm sure you will. Bye.


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