The 5 of Cups: A Tool for Transformation

After decades of reading cards for people across the globe, I know without a doubt that the Tarot is a marvellous tool to explore what is going on in a persons emotional life, and I invite you to benefit from what Ive learnt. In this blog post, I’d like to share a Tarot card spread, or process with you, one that can take you on a journey towards happiness.

So let’s get started!

We’re going to use the Tarot as our tool, and the suit of Cups cards in particular. The 5 of Cups Tarot card is our anchor point.

Tarot cards and sage stick

Once you have your Tarot deck out, seperate all your numbered Cups cards, thats the Ace of cups through to the Ten of Cups. Lay them out in order, face up, in a horizontal line with the Ace to the left and the Ten of Cups on the right at the end of the line.

You can see that the 5 of Cups is at the centre of things, it is the midpoint in your journey towards emotional fulfilment. It can also be the crux of things so to speak.

How you deal with what has not gone well, whether or not you can turn yourself around to again face forwards, with the pot of gold beneath the rainbow drawing you onward, is what will determine the depth and expansiveness of happiness that you enjoy.

Those losses, the grief and disappointments represented by the 5 of Cups can actually keep you stuck, even rob you of what is rightfully yours. Often it is a fear of feeling the pain again, that will stop you from going in to do the clearing and healing work required. Sometimes there is a lack of clarity about what is really there and that’s why a Tarot Card Reading can help.

So if you are in a place where you would like to explore how you can best get free from old hurts and woundings, this spread might be timely for you.

Using the full deck, shuffle the cards well and then spread them face down. Using your left hand, choose the five cards one at a time.


  1. What is the issue that needs to be explored?

  2. What is the loss?

  3. How can I best come to grips with this?

  4. What is the growth (or the blessing) available to me from this?

  5. What (if any) action do I need to take at this point?

Now choose 5 additional cards. These 5 can take you deeper into what is going on, or feeding the sense of loss in position number 2 of your spread.

Sit with the cards, you are going inwards, be with them and let them speak gently to you. If you use a Tarot Journal, you might like to make a note of the cards and your interpretations of them in it.

You could also use what you learn from this spread over the next few weeks as a meditative tool, like a doorway in to your deeper self. This might be the right time to do this, it might not.  If action is required, you can make a decision to take it – or not. As always, your life is in your hands.  What would you like to make of it?


An End of Summer Tarot Spread